Friday, August 2, 2013

Boyd Finishes Top 25% - 29th Overall

My mother described it like this.  "It's blowing like a hurricane".  A weather station near the regatta showed a steady 20+ all day with big gusts and Coach Lindley described it as 25 - 30 with 3 foot seas.  There was only one race and apparently Boyd was in the top 25 and on a big wave running downwind about five boat lengths from the gate when he capsized.   He was on a starboard tack and another competitor was off to his port also on a starboard tack.  The competitor decided to try and duck behind Boyd in an effort to get between Boyd and the right hand gate mark.  When he did his bow went under Boyd's stern while they were on the wave.  Boyd's stern came out of the water, he had no rudder and the other boat continued to slide underneath until Boyd flipped.

He told me that after he righted his boat he just decided to have fun on his last leg and see how fast he could go.  There were plenty of competitors who decided not to even race today given the extreme conditions.  Boyd did end up finishing within the time limit despite the setback and he finished in 29th place overall and in the top 25% of the fleet.  He says he learned a great deal these past two days of the regatta and had an incredible time.

Camille and I have the RIB hitched to the suburban, Reese's Opti on top and are ready to head out first thing in the morning.  We will drive to the Philadelphia airport where we will pick up the kids and keep on trucking up to Portland, Maine for the USODA New England Championship.  Reese is entered in her first championship fleet as a white fleeter!  Yes of course there will be a Blog.

Mom and Dad will continue on home.  They did a great job over in Scotland and had a wonderful adventure with their grandchildren.  Thank you Mom & Dad.  You are the best!

Boyd 14252 coming in from racing today.

He seems thankful to be nearing shore doesn't he?

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