Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Light Air & Only 1 Race Today - Boyd in 12th Overall

It was super light out there today in the Largs Channel and the Race Committee was able to pull off only one race after postponement.  Boyd had an 18th place finish and sits 12th overall out of the 116 boat fleet.  It is supposed to pick up tomorrow with winds out of the south at 16-20 and gusts to 30.  The tide should be ebbing the better part of the race day so perhaps it will not be too rough.

It is forcasted to really honk on Friday, the last day of racing, with winds in the 20 -24 range and gusts 30+.  Better eat well, get plenty of sleep & HIKE OUT!!!

Results after Day 2


Reese enjoys another day at Nardini's famous ice cream parlour

Wednesday Race Day 3

7:30 am out the door and ready for race day 3

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 2 of Racing Complete - Boyd in 11th Place

Boyd had a setback with a 63 on the first day of racing today.  He was able to drop it and then produce a 14 and a 22 for races 5 and 6, respectively.  Sounds like the conditions were 15 knots and lots of white caps.  Also very shifty.  Way to hang in there Boyd!

Results after Day 2

Second Day

10 AM launch 2 nd race day July 30. Looks like chaos to me.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mount Stuart

Check out the size of the leaves.

Isle of Bute

Barbara and Reese in the Ferry Terminal Cafe waiting to catch the ferry to Rothesay on the Isle of Bute .

Culzean Castle

Reese was touring Culzean Castle with Bob and Barbara in Ayrshire, Scotland.  We were with a group of about 30 people in the Music Room and the Guide was showing us one of the first piano's made ( circa 1700).  He asked if anyone played the piano, Reese put her hand up.  The guide asked if she would play, Reese stepped over the rope and played a very nice piece and got a loud applause .

Boyd in 8th Place After Day 1

They got off three races.  Boyd had a 9, 36, and 4.  He is currently in 8th and the top USA sailor in the junior fleet.

Full results of 116 boat fleet provided HERE

Screen shot of top 19 boats.

Team USA at Opening Ceremony

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tom Lord's Smug Mug Gallery

Tom Lord has uploaded over 100 photos that he has taken at British Nationals so far.  The link is

I spoke briefly with Boyd after their practice race today.  He was rushing to get changed for the opening ceremony.  He said the current is strong but that he had a great start and was sitting pretty before they abandoned due to light air.  The real deal starts tomorrow.

The conditions look similar tomorrow with 4 knots in the morning moving up to 7ish by the afternoon.

Hello from Largs, Scotland.  Photo Credit:  Tom Lord


Reese enjoys the playground

Saturday, July 27, 2013

New Ullman Sail

Thanks to Jerry Latell of Ullman Sails/Latell Sailmakers in Deltaville for orchestrating delivery of a crisp, new sail from the UK loft. It sounds like Boyd went through measurement this morning and all went well. Rock on!

Saturday, July 27

Day 2 of practice with boat measurements and inspections.
Boyd and team mate, Brendan Lord, discuss conditions.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Kilmarnock, Scotland

So this is a great story.  Kilmarnock, Scotland is the sister city to Kilmarnock, VA.  One of our family's dear friends, Ron Mihills, thought it would be a great idea to send Boyd and Reese over to Scotland with a letter of introduction from our Mayor Raymond Booth to their Provost Jim Todd and Councilor Doug Reid.  This is vintage Mihills stuff right here.  He thinks of everything.  Ron is a big sailor, resident of Irvington and general mover and shaker.  Sorry Ron but you know it's true.  Oh and he is humble.  So Ron contacts Susan Cockrell, our Deputy Manager here in Kilmarnock, Virginia and sets the following in motion.

As the Braggs ready to depart for Scotland, we receive communication that the Provost and Councilor would like to send a car for the Braggs at their residence in Largs and bring them back to Kilmarnock (Scotland that is) for lunch and a private tour of Dean Castle owned by who else but the Boyd family.  The Boyds go way back in Kilmarnock, Scotland and the good folks there thought that the Braggs would very much enjoy a tour and discussion of the history given our family name.

The photographer (yes they sent along a photographer) took these great shots and emailed them back to me here in VA so that we could get a few snapshots of their day in Kilmarnock.  What a great way to start this memorable trip.  A huge thank you to Ron Mihills, Susan Cockrell, Mayor Raymond Booth, Provost Jim Todd and Councilor Douglas Reid for making this happen.

Standing in front of Dean Castle

Definitely framing this one!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bicycle Built for Two

Reese and Poppa Bob enjoy a ride along Little Cumbrae Island.

Photo credit:  Tom Lord

Wednesday, July 25

Upon returning to Largs, after our adventurous day on Cumbrae, we ended the day with dinner.  

The Braggs and the Lords on Isle of Crumbrae.

We biked the island, 11 miles and a couple of pints after.

Ferry to Cumbrae

This afternoon we decided to take the ferry from Largs to Isle of Cumbrae with another team member and his family.


Boyd meets up with another USA team member who is from Pennsylvania. 

Brendan and Boyd on the ferry to Isle of Cumbrae.

Checking out the boat

Boyd checking out the boat and rigging.

Our home in Largs

Tigh-an-struan B & B, great location, very nice place, gracious host.

Wee Cumbrae Island

I pinged Boyd out on Little Cumbrae Island across the channel from Largs.  It sounds like he met up with his buddy, Brendan Lord also on Team USA, and his father, Tom Lord.  They hail from Corinthian Yacht Club out on Cape May, NJ.  We all got to know one another well at Team Trials in Wisconsin this past spring.  I heard maybe they all went on a bike ride?

Sorry I'm not there to have a pint or two with you Tom but Dad should be able to fill the role just fine and we will catch up in Portland at the New Englands after ya'll get stateside again.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Choices Choices

Reese loves her ice cream ( takes after  her Poppa Bob)


After our arrival in Largs, it is time to attend to important business......finding Scotland's famous ice cream parlour.....Nardini



Af last, after a four day road trip, with our grandparents, we have reached our destination ......Largs!
Let the sailing begin......


The ferry arrives in Mallaig

Tuesday, July 23

Our B & B last night was located in a remote farming village outside of Broadford.  Our hostess was gracious and prepared a lovely breakfast with fresh eggs from her chickens.  We are now on the ferry crossing the Sound of Sleat from Armadale to Mallaig.

Isle of Skye

Driving along the rugged coastline

Monday, July 22, 2013



The farthest point north on the Isle of Skye coastline took us to Kilmaluag where we had lunch at The Broch & Turrett overlooking The Minch.

Highland cow

On our travels up the coast we were lucky to see several Highland cows. They are a Scottish breed with long horns and long wavy coats.

Day Three

We departed Fort Williams this morning driving  Northwest to the Isle of Skye.  The mountains are beautiful shades of green. This is a waterfall cutting through the hills . Boyd and Reese did a much needed run .

Isle of Skye

Wow ya'll are way up in the Highlands now!  We can't wait to see the pictures.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fort Williams

We have just finished dinner and now to the ice cream parlor.  10:30 pm and still daylight.  Headed for Isle of Skye tomorrow.  Two more days of vacation before Boyd starts practice with the team in Largs.

11:00 PM in Fort William 
Fort William is the second largest settlement in the highlands of Scotland and the largest town: only the city of Inverness is larger. Wikipedia

Loch Ness

Reese and Boyd looking for Nessie.


We have reached the Highlands on the way to Loch Ness.

Northern Scotland

It sounds like they are on the move and up near Fort William today.  We are not getting a lot of intel stateside but I did receive this picture along with Boyd's lunch of fish and chips and some kind of wild boar appetizer that was apparently very impressive.  I think they also spotted the Lochness Monster but
were unable to capture on film.